everyone. We are in the process of remodeling the entire downstairs of
our house. What started out as just getting new wood floors turned into
updating the breakfast nook, changing the island in the kitchen, new fireplace,
new powder bath and overhauling my craft space. I plan to show you all
the new parts of the house but I thought I'd start today by showing you my
craft space remodel.
thought I'd give you an overview of the room today and then I plan to go into
more details each Wednesday for the next several weeks. Thanks to
American Crafts for requesting that I share my workspace on their blog. It
kicked my booty into gear to get it done in lightning speed and it feels so
I did some Q&A on the American Crafts blog that is not featured here so if you want to know how long I take to scrap, what time of day I prefer to scrap, what my favorite tools are, and more, head over there to read all about it.
very fortunate to have a dedicated room for my creative space. It's constantly
evolving to fit my needs and it's a great way to escape from the daily grind.
My supplies are stored in various bags, containers, baskets and bins and
stashed away in cabinets to avoid creative chaos and clutter, while my core
essentials are kept within reach. I place my favorite new layouts on the wall
next to me, which serves a double purpose for me and my girls.

old room used to be painted with a faux yellowy brown and had the same colored
wood floors so it felt kind of like a dungeon. A fresh coat of white paint on
the walls, new floors and a fun rug really brightened up the space. I also had
my hubby build a custom desk that hugs 3 of the walls in the room. The long
desk now allows for a scrap space, sewing space (or a kids area) and my work
desk since I work from home. I just recently got my Raskog and I'm still
deciding what to store in it so for now, it holds a basket made from rolled up
newspapers which is where I store all my lovely Thickers. Can you spot my dog,

keep all my essentials at my fingertips in the little octagon carousel. It used
to be black and since everything new was white, I just spray painted it. Now
it's just like new! All my favorite paints, mists, pens, scissors, etc. are
within reach in all these units on my desk. The same items in different colors
that aren't used as much are in the cubbies below the desk. I have a little egg
crate and ceramic basket that I put little odds and ends in to keep them from
getting lost while working on a project. Once the project is done, I can easily
pack everything away.
we work our way around the desk, my sewing machine is ready for action. This
also doubles as a crafts space for the kids or when my mom comes and eventually
I plan to set up my video equipment here for process videos.
is where I work, as in I have a full-time job type of work. I use 2 monitors so
I can look at different Powerpoints, email, etc. at the same time. After work
hours, I swap out my personal PC and then I can look at photos, Silhouette,
Illustrator, or whatever and play my Netflix on the other monitor. The armoire
to the right is one of my favorite things in the room. Take a look below.

got this armoire several years ago from Pottery Barn and it holds all my
goodies. Starting at the top, I have all my American Crafts cardstock, paper
trimmer and room for more "stuff". The 2nd shelf holds my Minc and
Selphy printer. I don't use the printer when I am at home so I may end up
packing it in my "scrapping on the go" bag but it sits here for now.
The 3rd shelf slides out and it holds my Big Shot and CAMEO. I will probably
switch the CAMEO and Minc since I'll need to get to the back of the Minc when I
use it. The 4th shelf is all about my beloved HP wide format printer. This baby
prints 13x19 photos making it easy when I want to print a large photo for
scrapping. In the cabinets below are the storage cases full of American Crafts
collections. Like I said above, this makes it super easy to work on projects
because everything from one collection is together in a bin. I have 14x14"
cases for regular collections and 17x15" bins for larger collections like
DIY Shop 2.

black unit is mostly for my girls. They have their own storage cases full of
papers and embellishments and they also have their own tools. It's all kept
nice and tidy in the drawers. The door in the middle folds down to create a
desk for them so they can pull up a chair and get crafty too! Also in this
photo is a typewriter that used to belong to my grandmother. Did you notice the
wood map? I just purchased it from Michaels and plan to add all our family's
travels to it. The gold and black locker only has one thing in it so far
(fabric) and is ready to be filled up with more supplies!
Thanks for stopping by for the tour of my scrap space today. Check back next Wednesday for a detailed view of my scrap deck section.
Several people have asked where I found the items in my room so here you go. Let me know if there is anything else you'd like to know about.