
Monday, May 2, 2016

Donkey Rides, What?!?! | Santorini, Greece

Bryan and I recently went to Santorini, Greece as part of our anniversary trip. Although we went at the end of the season, it was magical and ranks as one of my favorite places in the world.

One of the most memorable things we did was ride donkeys down the caldera cliff to the dock and back up again. The cable cars were not operating out so we figured we'd be adventurous.  Because it is a very treacherous cliff it meanders back and forth across the mountain.

I thought it would be fun to tell my story not just with the pictures and words but also through the entire design of this page.

I started the entire layout of the page with a funky arrow in mind. I designed it so that it leads you back and forth up to the top, similar to how we rode the donkey up.  You can see the path up the mountain in the photo on the right.  I used a map / city grid type pattern and then hand stitched around the arrow. I added my journaling around the arrow.

I created this page as a Contributing Designer for and for this week's challenge to use arrows on the page.

My design idea was to use a series of arrow to draw your eyes around the page. The super sized arrow leads to the title and then I included another "Is this for real" arrow to lead to the photos, then another arrow pointing to the top of the cliff.  I rounded it out by including a small film strip of other memorable photos from the ride.

Head on over to to play along. You can also see how this week's guest designer, Mandi tackled the arrows challenge.

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I love to read all you comments so feel free to share a little blog love. I will be forever grateful! xoxo