
Thursday, November 28, 2013

I am Thankful {Card}

I am Thankful...
American Crafts Autumn Crisp collection

for health and happiness.

for all the blessings in my life and for those around me. 

for a husband who treats me like his princess and does so much for our family.

for 3 wonderful children who are the light of my life.

for the most amazing parents, who are a wonderful example to me, my family and everyone around them. I will always be grateful that they packed up and moved to be closer to us.

for a great job that helps provide for the family so we can do things and go places. It also allows me the flexibility to work from home and enables me to be there for my children any time I'm needed. This is especially important when you have a child with autism and severe ADHD. And, I love to see them off to school and be the first to see them when they get home.

for a hobby that allows me to express myself, de-stress a little every evening and has introduced me to some of the most talented people who share the same passion. I am lucky to call many of them close friends.

for scrapbooking manufacturer/kit club owners and design team leaders who believe in me.

for those of you who support and follow me on my blog, Instagram, Twitter, etc. and who also inspire me with your kind words and scrappy projects.

and so much more...

Thanks for stopping by today!

1 comment:

I love to read all you comments so feel free to share a little blog love. I will be forever grateful! xoxo