
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Two Toots! Ha ha, that just makes me giggle!!!

I don't think I have ever blogged here without a crafty reveal but there's a first time for everything especially when it benefits my readers, right? 

First, I'm excited to say that I have joined the Creative Team at Paper Issues.
New themes are posted every month and all you have to do is link up your projects, which will help drive more traffic to your blog!!!  This is all about networking and getting your projects out to people who may not otherwise see them AND you can see other people's projects too. The next theme will be announced tomorrow so make sure to check the Paper Issues blog and link anything up (old or new) that matches the theme.

In addition, Cassie has a scrapbooking shop that she keeps filled with the latest and greatest scrappy products and she's offering all my friends a 20% discount each and everytime you shop her store with my code HEATHER. You can use it on an ongoing basis to get 20% off your order and I get credit for everything you purchase!  She is always adding new goodies, including new CHA releases, so check back often as your needs arise. 

Okay, my second news is that my Snuggle Bug layout was featured in the February Bella Buzz (by Bella Blvd) newsletter.  I earned the title of Fan Favorite.  You can view and download the February 2012 issue HERE.


  1. Congrats on the new DT gig!! and congrats to the feature, I have it downloaded but haven't looked at it yet! :)

  2. WOOO! Grats on the Paper Issues (fellow teamie!) and SUPER grats on the feature! It's tuff to get into the Bella crowd!!!!!

  3. hehehe, two toots hehehe!
    Glad to be on yet another wonderful team with ya! See you around the salt mine :)


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