
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Rite of Passage

I knew this day would come and if you and I are friends on Facebook you might remember the CSI work I got do do one night after the kids had gone to bed and I found a mound of hair sitting on my craft room floor. I could not believe my little girl, who has sensory issues, would cut her own hair.  I had to wait an entire night to ask her about it, which was probably good for us both.  The funny thing, which is also probably what put it in her head was that a girl on a Disney show had cut her hair and was in trouble. Rheagan had just come in to tell me and she actually said, "Ummmmmm, a little girl just cut her hairrrrrrrrr" but with a tone like she's in troubllllllllllllllllllle.

Anyway, here the layout I dedicated to her and her rite of passage; something every little girl seems to go through at some point. Read how I challenged myself below.
Supplies: Scrapbook Circle Vintage Market kit: Digital Download, Echo Park For the Record Alpha Stickers. Other: CTMH cream cardstock, red thread, my daughter's hair.

My One Item Wonder over at Scrapbook Circle this month was to use elements from the digital download that comes with the kit. Since I loved this digi download so much, I pushed the concept a bit further and challenged myself to ONLY use the digital elements for my layout, aside from the alphas. I also used today's sketch from Sketchabilities. 


  1. Cute take on the sketch, love the hair on there!

  2. OMG what a shock that must have been! I cut my hair too when I was little, my bangs, and right before picture day! My mom flipped! LOL! My daughter hasn't done it...not yet. She's 9 so hopefully she's past that stage. Your layout is really cute! Love the white BG, stitched circle and your use of so many journaling spots! The addition of your baby girl's hair is a fabulous touch!

  3. Hi Heather, thanks for taking the time to comment in my blog - it was really sweet of you. As for the hair cut - well my daughter did the very same thing to herself after she was told off for giving several of her Barbie dolls a mowhawk! You just have to take a deep breath and count to ten - then make a fabulous LO like you did!

  4. what a memory! yes, it is a right of passage-at least it wasn't down to her scalp, yes, I have the layout to prove my girls cut. WAY to keep your cool.

  5. Love that you put the lock of her hair on this LO! Great journaling and love how you stitched over the title!!!

  6. Funny story. At least you can be thankful she cut her own hair instead of another child's, which is what I did when I was young! I love the layout you created to tell this great story. Way to go!

  7. I looked again when I read you used only digi. Wow, wouldn't have known otherwise. And the story behind her hair cutting is so touching.


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